Why Now is the Time for Community Events

How many in-person, industry-related events have you been to over the past two years? I think there are some of you who will respond with one, or two. What I’m really expecting most of you to be thinking is, “I haven’t been to an in-person event in what feels like forever…but I really want to attend one and reconnect with people!”

For me it’s actually been five! One way back at the end of February, 2020, and the other four since October, 2021. And let me tell you something - it truly is great to be able to visit with people in person again. And it doesn’t really matter if that’s at an organized event, or even just your daily work life moving back to an in-office setting. There’s just something about the in-person experience that Zoom, Google Meet, Hopin, or all the other event platforms and apps have yet to successfully recreate. It is what I like to call the “random collision” - that feeling you get when you run into someone you haven’t seen in a long time, and perhaps you didn’t even know they were going to be where you are at that moment.

Do You Have Time for a Coffee?

If there’s one good thing that has come about since the beginning of the Covid-19 era, I think it’s that people generally place more value on face-to-face interactions. We used to take those for granted, but now we cherish those moments and look forward to them taking place again and again. “Oh my goodness, <insert any one’s name>! I didn’t know you were attending <insert an event or meeting name>! Let’s catch up over a drink!”  … Or a meal, a walk around the block, a leisurely stroll through a shopping mall - it doesn’t really matter what, let's simply have a conversation where we both aren’t staring into a computer screen.

Get Your Coffee Brewing

So why is now the perfect time to plan your Community Events strategy? Here’s my top 3 reasons for attending Community Events:

1. Connections: To meet people I know through the Salesforce Community, but haven’t yet met in person yet. Think of the online community as your starting point to building relationships and in-person events as the cement that helps create a strong foundation for building your personal community. 

2. Education: In-person Community events often have some of the best and brightest people presenting on highly relevant and timely topics such as how to deal with Salesforce deprecating Workflow Rules and Process Builder.

3. Apps: In-person Community events always have sponsors showing off their products in an expo hall. One of the greatest things about event sponsors and expo halls is the ability to see apps in action...to discover a solution to a problem you might not even have realized exists for your company.

Mogli & Community Events

Mogli is proud to join the ranks of the awesome companies sponsoring Cactusforce. MoglisSMS is the most robust and user-friendly native text messaging solution on the AppExchange. But why should you use text messaging? How about 98% open rate & a 45% response rate? That’s a metric email just can't come close to. 

Whether you are attending Cactusforce in person, or virtually, please join us at our 602 Talk on Friday, January 21, 2022, 10:50 AM 11:00 AM MT (Arizona) to learn more about how SMS can benefit your organization and your customers. Not attending Cactusforce? Don’t worry, you’ll find Mogli at other great Community Events like Higher Ed Dreamin’, Northeast Dreamin’, Texas Dreamin’ & more, throughout the year. Can’t wait for the next event to see Mogli? Get your demo now! 

Eric Dreshfield

Product Evangelist & Salesforce MVP Hall of Fame